Thursday, August 27, 2009

Nutty is back...with new friends!

Hi everybody,

I'm back to writing again. I have some funny cartoons for you and some new characters.

Here is my newest creation, called Bromposaurus:

Bromposaurus escaped from a dinosaur museum where he had been put on display. He found his way to platypus pond, and was discovered by Nutty and his friends. They taught him to play pranks as well as Nutty and soon built a house near platypus pond so he could live with his new friends. We hope you enjoy Bromposaurus and keep reading Nutty the platypus!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy St. Patrick`s Day!

One of Nutty`s favorite holidays is St. Patrick`s Day. Best wishes from all of us here at Platypus Pond!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Meet Bad Guy Man

Here is a drawing of Bad Guy Man.

Bad Guy Man is Nutty's prime prank target. His evil friends are Bad Guy Lion, Bad Guy Bird, Bad Guy Dog and Bad Guy Cat.

Sometimes he is mean. Sometimes he is just not too smart. And sometimes he can be friends with Nutty.

You'll be seeing more of Bad Guy Man in other cartoons.

Welcome To

We are so happy you found us! lets you see the latest comics and books about Nutty and his friends. It also introduces you to the characters in the Nutty books. Enjoy.